Monday, February 23, 2015

Pengertian Flashing, Firmware Dan Root Android Dll

Kali saya akan share atau berbagi pengertian dari flashing itu apa? Gunanaya Flashing untuk apa? Firmware itu apa? dan gunanya firmware itu apa? dan satu lagi Root itu apa? dan gunanya root itu apa untuk android? apa perlu di root? demikian lah yang mungkin ada sebagian dari juragan dengan banyak pertanyaan tapi masih gak tau apa arti atau pengertian dari banyak pertanyaan yang sering muncul di benak juragan, maka dari itu saya akan share pengertian dan kegunaannya.

Apalagi untuk pengguna android itu wajib tahu dan tentunya bisa melakukannya, bukan hanya tahu saja. ok langsung aja gan.

Root/rooting itu apa?
Rooting itu merupakan proses buat mengembalikan hak administratif terhadap HH yang kita gunakan (walaupun sebenarnya Android itu opensource, tapi nyatanya kita masih dibatasi buat mengakses system HH kita), dengan kata lain, dengan me-root HH, kita bisa bebas dalam mengedit atau menambah file kedalam HH kita.

Memang HH harus di root ya?
Root bukan merupakan suatu keharusan. kalo beli HP cuma buat SMS, telpon, internetan, dan ngga mau berhubungan dengan masalah system, mending ngga usah di root.

Kenapa harus di root gan?
Tujuan utama "rooting" adalah untuk mendapatkan kekebasan dan kontrol penuh terhadap Android devices yang kita gunakan. Kalau kita sudah berhasil melakukan "rooting" maka kita bisa melakukan apa saja termasuk kegiatan "tweaking" untuk meningkatkan perfomance dan kinerja Android devices kita.

Apa keuntungan lain dari proses Rooting?
Yang jelas dengan meroot device kita, kita bisa meningkatkan performance device. artinya, kita bisa memindahkan dan mengatur cache memory, melakukan over clocking, memindahkan aplikasi ke external memory yang tujuannya meningkatkan kinerja device kita.

  • Merubah 'core' application. Kalau udah "nge-root" kita bisa mengganti atau bahkan menghapus aplikasi-aplikasi "core" bawaan si Android, termasuk kebebasan untuk menambahkan dan memodifikasi tema baru,
  • Mengedit aplikasi inti yang sudah terinstall. Tidak itu saja, kita pun dapat melakukan backup dan recovery boot images, juga melakukan penambahan (instalasi) aplikasi berbasis Linux binary.
  • Bisa menambah Aplikasi sesuka hati. Banyak sekali aplikasi untuk Android yang beredar membutuhkan akses "root" pada waktu diinstall. Jadi aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut bisa diinstall jika Android devices sudah ter "rooted". Ambil contoh misalnya aplikasi : link2sd, SSHdroid, Callblocker, rootSystemTools dan masih banyak lagi.
Terus cara melakukan rooting?
Prosedur yang digunakan untuk melakukan rooting sangat bervariasi tergantung dari devices Android yang dipergunakan. Sekalipun bervariasi tapi pada umumnya bahwa antara devices yang 1 dengan devices yang lain tidak terlalu berbeda cara melakukan rootingnya.

Katanya root bisa menghilangkan garansi?
Adalah benar. Root itu diibaratkan seperti “segel garansi”. Analoginya seperti ini, apabila agan membeli komputer buatan pabrik (bukan komputer rakitan), biasanya akan dilengkapi dengan segel atau stiker garansi. Segel ini biasanya akan rusak bila kita membuka casing computer.

Sama halnya dengan root Android. jika HP agan mengalami kerusakan, misalnya speaker tidak berbunyi dan dibawa ke Service Center dengan kondisi ter-root, maka ada kemungkinan klaim garansi akan ditolak dan dikatakan bahwa ponsel rusak akibat proses root, padahal sebenarnya tidak.

Tapi sebenarnya ngga usah galau dan bimbang, berbeda dengan segel garansi, proses root dapat dibalikkan atau ponsel dikembalikan ke kondisi awal. Proses ini dinamakan Unroot.

Firmware itu apa gan?
Seperti halnya analogi upgrade Windows Vista ke Windows 7 karena (pasti) lebih bagus, stable, dan kenceng Windows 7 daripada Windows Vista. Nah seperti itu pula upgrade firmware android kita.

Upgrade firmware ada dua macam. Ada upgrade firmware yang official sama yang ngga official. Nah yang official tentu saja maksudnya upgrade sesuai dengan rilis vendor hp nya. Misal agan pakai Galcore, kemudian upgrade firmware menggunakan Samsung KIES, berarti agan upgrade menggunakan firmware official dari Samsung.

Berbeda halnya jika agan upgrade menggunakan custom ROM yang didapat di internet (misalnya firmware custom dari XDA-Developers). Firmware custom seperti itu ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya.

Kelebihannya adalah jika paket-paket yang ditawarkan sama sang pembuat custom firmware tersebut cocok dengan kita, kekurangannya kalau gak cocok. Biasanya custom firmware seperti itu ketika di test lebih oke performance nya daripada firmware yang official. Karena sang pembuat firmware ini suka melakukan tweaking yang ekstrim.

Tinggal masalah selera aja mau yang adem ayem, pakailah rom official atau yang suka bereksperimen, silakan lirik custom firmware ( DWYOR tentunya ).

Flashing itu apa?
Flashing dalam dunia handphone bagaikan instal ulang pada komputer atau laptop. Dalam handphone terdapat Hardware, dan tentunya hardware itu dapat bekerja jika dilengkapi dengan software.

Nah, proses mengganti ulang software handphone inilah yang disebut dengan proses flashing.

Memang perlu flashing firmware?
Biasanya update terbaru yang bocor dan tersedia sebelum update resmi sehingga kita harus flash secara manual menggunakan perangkat lunak pc.

CWM itu apa?
Secara singkat, CWM itu adalah recovery mode yg sudah di kustomisasi sedemikian rupa dengan berbagai fungsi tambahan seperti backup/restore, instalasi dan lain-lain yg tidak ada di recovery mode standar.

Kegunaannya apa? Secara umum, fungsi yang paling banyak digunakan:

1. Backup
Sesuai dengan namanya nandroid backup untuk membackup sistem ponsel, internal memori dan termasuk seluruh partisi dan menyimpannya ke dalam sdcard. hasil backup berupa folder dengan nama sesuai tgl-bln-thn-jam saat melakukan backup.

Contoh, saat ini kita memakai ROM “A” yang memiliki 10 apps yang terinstal. Kemudian kita backup dengan CWM recovery. Sewaktu kita restore hasilnya akan sama seperti saat kita membackup ROM “A”, yang memiliki 10 apps. Ini sangat membantu apabila kita suka gonta-ganti firmware yg berbeda dan ketika ingin kembali ke ROM inginkan kita tinggal lakukan restore menggunakan CWM tanpa harus flash ulang dan instal banyak aplikasi lagi. Dengan demikian kita bisa memiliki banyak versi firmware keinginan.

2. Restore
Seperti namanya juga, restore adalah mengembalikan kondisi ponsel sesuai kondisi saat kita backup. Jika kita punya banyak backupan dengan versi ROM yg berbeda-beda dengan aplikasi yg berbeda-beda pula dan ingin kembali ke ROM tertentu.

3. Menghapus (wipe) data di sistem dan di cache (Dalvik) dan masih banyak lagi


Demikianlah sekilas mengenai root dan istilah-istilah di android, jika ada yang kurang silakan ditambah.


Sumber :

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Business Case Overview And Essential Elements


A business case captures the reasoning for initiating a project or task. It is often presented in a well-structured written document, but may also sometimes come in the form of a short verbal argument or presentation. The logic of the business case is that, whenever resources such as money or effort are consumed, they should be in support of a specific business need. An example could be that a software upgrade might improve system performance, but the "business case" is that better performance would improve customer satisfaction, require less task processing time, or reduce system maintenance costs. A compelling business case adequately captures both the quantifiable and unquantifiable characteristics of a proposed project.

Business cases can range from comprehensive and highly structured, as required by formal project management methodologies, to informal and brief. Information included in a formal business case could be the background of the project, the expected business benefits, the options considered (with reasons for rejecting or carrying forward each option), the expected costs of the project, a gap analysis and the expected risks. Consideration should also be given to the option of doing nothing including the costs and risks of inactivity. From this information, the justification for the project is derived. Note that it is not the job of the project manager to build the business case, this task is usually the responsibility of stakeholders and sponsors.

Reasons for creating a business case
Business cases are created to help decision-makers ensure that:

  • the proposed initiative will have value and relative priority compared to alternative initiatives based on the objectives and expected benefits laid out in the business case.
  • the performance indicators found in the business case are identified to be used for proactive realisation of the business and behavioural change.
Development and approval process
The business case process should be designed to be:

  • adaptable - tailored to the size and risk of the proposal.
  • consistent - the same basic business issues are addressed by every project.
  • business oriented - concerned with the business capabilities and impact, rather than having a technical focus.
  • comprehensive - includes all factors relevant to a complete evaluation.
  • understandable - the contents are clearly relevant, logical and, although demanding, are simple to complete and evaluate.
  • measurable - all key aspects can be quantified so their achievement can be tracked and measured.
  • transparent - key elements can be justified directly.
  • accountable - accountability and commitments for the delivery of benefits and management of costs are clear.
Key Elements of the Business Case Report
A good business case report, which brings confidence and accountability into the field of making investment decisions, is a compilation of all information collected during enterprise analysis and the business case process. The key purpose is to provide evidence and justification for continuing with the investment proposition. Here is a recommended structure:
  • Preface
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Briefing
    • Recommendation
    • Summary of Results
    • Decision to be Taken
  • Introduction
    • Business Drivers
    • Scope
    • Financial Metrics
  • Analysis
    • Assumptions
    • Cash Flow Statement (NPV)
    • Costs
    • Benefits
    • Risk
    • Strategic Options
    • Opportunity Costs
    • Conclusion, Recommendation, and Next Steps
  • Appendix
Review and approval
At various stages in the project, the business case should be reviewed to ensure that:

  • The justification is still valid,
  • The project will deliver the solution to the business need.
The result of a review may be the termination or amendment of the project. The business case may also be subject to amendment if the review concludes that the business need has abated or changed, this will have a knock on effect on the project.

#Tech Republic

6 essential elements for a winning business case

The vast majority of unsuccessful projects fail not because of poor project management, but because of poor decisions with respect to the choice of projects. A good business case helps to make right decisions and avoid horrible waste.

What's a business case?
There is a fallacy that a business case is a thick tedious manuscript, written by professional consultants in an incomprehensible language. It's printed on high-quality paper stock and placed onto the top shelf of an executive's office to be used as a breeding ground for dust bunnies.

This is not a business case; this is a disaster.

The sole role of a business case is that of a communication tool, composed in a language that the target audience understands and with enough detail to facilitate decision making on his or her part. There's no magic formula when it comes to the size of a business case. The size is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the business case provides all the necessary information to make the job of the decision maker possible. Brevity is always a virtue.

As a matter of fact, a business case does not have to be a written document at all. It could be in the form of a verbal message, but the structure and the content is, nevertheless, the same as if it were written up.

Think about it, you present and hear business cases all the time, with your children, parents, significant others, friends, and colleagues. Did your teenage daughter convince you that she can't possibly survive without an iPod? ("I can listen to class notes and presentations and will improve my marks.") How on Earth did you agree to go on that Mediterranean cruise with your in-laws? ("It will make me happy, dear. Besides, Dad naps all the time anyway.")

This is it, no mystery, just a communication tool.

I have been asked so many times about the best structure for a business case that we have placed a template onto our corporate website ( It consists of the sections I will describe here, and you'll find that it is quite flexible. Nothing is really set in stone, including the headings. This is an important point, because flexibility is what you need to put a truly convincing case together. A business case is not a government form in which you tick boxes as you answer a gazillion questions; it's a medium for your brilliant business thinking.


1. Executive Summary
Always written last, the Executive Summary presents the essence of the business case, in a condensed format. Pick the most important points that allow for a coherent picture, but strive to keep it concise: it should not be longer than one or two pages. Certainly include objectives, proposed solution, benefits and costs, risks, and key dates.

2. Objectives
Describe why this case has come about. Typically, the reason is one of the following:

  • An opportunity that generates revenue, cuts costs, or deliver some other benefit 
  • A mandatory change, something that needs to be complied with.
  • A correction of a wrong
This section can be structured in a few of ways. The first approach is appropriate for cases that deal with correcting a wrong. Describe the current situation and explain what the adverse impact is, be it of a financial nature or otherwise.

The second approach, more suitable for cases that deal with new opportunities or mandatory changes, where the status quo is not necessarily deficient, is to use the following structure:

  • Current state. Describe how the world is today. 
  • Future state. Describe how the world will look tomorrow, when the proposed change is implemented.
The third approach, most appropriate for new opportunities, is to state what the case is proposing and describe why it is being considered. Why now?

Use the structure that works for your situation.

3. Project alternatives
List several alternatives you considered, complete with benefits and costs, and risk assessment. Show how they align with such considerations as corporate and business unit strategy, vision, current priorities and other factors discussed in the blog I mentioned at the start of this piece.

How many should you list? Three is a good number, five is too many, but never just one.

You should use your judgment and include the appropriate amount of detail so not to overwhelm the reader and yet provide enough information for effective decision making. This is the old "know your audience" maxim, and it rings especially true here.

4. Preferred alternative
Always state what the preferred option is and explain why it is preferred.

5. Implementation plan
It's usually appropriate to provide some ideas on how the implementation of the preferred solution should proceed, to show that you're presenting not a pipe dream but a carefully thought through solution. Rarely is it necessary to create an exhaustive plan, unless specifically required by the decision makers.

6. Appendices
Include all supporting information, such as cost benefit analyses, reference materials, calculations, and charts.

The case for business cases
The importance of a business case to its author is enormous. Present a solid business case, and you have positioned yourself as knowledgeable thinker and innovator. If noted by the decision makers, a promotion is certainly possible. In a case of a consultant, there will be repeat business. On the other hand, a weak business case is a career-limiting move. Sadly, I see a lot of business cases that are not worth the paper they're written on, and I always wonder how many careers are cut short as a result. I can't even fathom why this keeps happening in this day and age, when excellent resources, such as coaching, are available.

From the perspective of the organizations, the stakes are equally high. A solid business case leads to well-informed decisions that are most appropriate in a given business setting, while the one that fails to provide adequate level of detail, or disregards relevant data, or makes incorrect inferences, or does any number of other things wrong, leads to suboptimal decisions that are very expensive to any organization, in terms of the time, money and lost opportunities.

I'm convinced that the vast majority of unsuccessful projects fail not because of poor project management, but because of poor decisions with respect to the choice of projects. A good business case helps to make right decisions and avoid horrible waste.

By : Ilya Bogorad

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bersyukur - Alat Pembuka Rejeki

Tahukah Anda Mengeluh adalah hal yang sangat mudah dilakukan dan bagi beberapa orang hal ini telah menjadi suatu kebiasaan?

Tapi Sadarkah Anda bahwa, bersyukur tidak hanya sesuatu yang wajib dilakukan oleh kita yang memiliki iman, tetapi bersyukur adalah juga alat pembuka rejeki dan nikmat yang lebih banyak lagi? 

Nick Vujicic terlahir tanpa tangan dan kaki. Telah berkeliling dunia, dan banyak meng-inspirasi jutaan orang dengan optimisme melalui pengalamannya sendiri.

Jessica Cox terlahir tanpa tangan, orang pertama tanpa tangan yang menjadi juara sabuk hitam Taekwondo USA dan tercatat dalam histori "Guiness World Record" sebagai orang pertama tanpa tangan yang meraih sertifikasi pilot.

Hee Ah Lee, Pianist asal Korea, menderita lobster claw syndrome. Pada masing-masing ujung tangannya terdapat dua jari yang membentuk huruf V seperti capit kepiting. 
Kakinya hanya sebatas bawah lutut, sehingga tinggi badannya hanya satu meter. Ia juga mengalami keterbelakangan mental. Ia berhasil menjadi seorang pianist terkemuka dan motivator dunia.

Jim Abbott terlahir tanpa tangan kanan, memukau dunia dengan menjadi seorang pemain bisbol liga utama. Dia menerima banyak penghargaan dan pengakuan dalam karirnya yang meliputi menjadi Hurler All-Amerika di Michigan, memenangkan Sullivan Award pada tahun 1987 dan menjadi pitcher untuk Medal Tim Olimpiade Emas pada tahun 1988. Kata-katanya, "Temukan sesuatu yang Anda cintai, dan pergi setelah, dengan segenap hati Anda" terus menginspirasi banyak orang.

Brett Eastburn terlahir tanpa tangan dan kaki. Menjadi seorang movitator dan comedian. Dia berkata “saya beruntung dengan cepat menyadari sesuatu yang sangat penting “enjoy the journey”, jangan hanya melihat pada kegagalan / ketidaksempurnaan. Tetap maju untuk membantu orang lain menjadi kebahagian dalam diri sendiri”. Walaupun ia lahir tanpa tangan dan kaki, ia begitu yakin bahwa ia terlahir tanpa cacat.

Mari kita mulai ambil waktu untuk bersyukur setiap hari. Bersyukurlah atas pekerjaan Anda, kesehatan Anda, keluarga Anda atau apapun yang dapat Anda syukuri. Bersyukurlah lebih banyak dan percayalah hidup Anda akan lebih mudah dan keberuntungan senantiasa selalu bersama Anda, karena Anda dapat melihat hal-hal yang selama ini mungkin luput dari pandangan Anda karena Anda terlalu sibuk mengeluh.

Bersyukur berarti mengucapkan terima kasih, menghitung berkat-berkat anda, memperhatikan keceriaan-keceriaan kecil, dan mengakui segala sesuatu yang anda terima.
"Semakin banyak kita mengeluh atas masalah yang Anda alami, 
maka jangan heran jika rasanya semakin banyak masalah yang kita alami untuk dikeluhkan"

Sumber : Agus Gunawan (Chief HCM - PT AGIT - Via Email Blast 19 Desember 2014)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Growing Pains

Sadarkah kita bahwa pertumbuhan itu memang seringkali menyakitkan, lho. 

Biji yang kita tanam saja juga harus mengalami ditimbun tanah, terpapar terik matahari, disiram air hujan, terkena pahitnya pupuk, dan akhirnya harus pecah kalau dia mau tumbuh dan berkembang jadi sebuah tanaman. 

Bouncing ball. Sebuah bola basket harus membentur tanah dulu dengan keras untuk bisa naik melambung tinggi ke atas. 

Besi harus dibakar api ribuan derajat panasnya, dipukul dan ditempa dengan keras dengan palu besi besar, dipanasi lagi, lalu panas-panas langsung dicelupkan dinginnya air, ditempa lagi, dan seterusnya, sebelum bisa berubah menjadi sebilah pisau yang berguna untuk manusia. 

Itu semua sama seperti kita. Kita harus belajar dari perih dan pahitnya kehidupan untuk menjadi sosok yang lebih baik. 

Percayalah, sesuatu yang besar sedang dipersiapkanNya untuk kita. Kita tidak sedang melakukan sesuatu yang salah, kita tidak sedang dihukum. 

Sebaliknya, karena kita telah meminta bahwa kondisi kehidupan kita berubah (ke arah yang lebih baik), bersyukurlah ini terjadi. Proses pembuka perubahan yang terasa menyakitkan ini adalah awal dari hidup baru yang telah kita minta tadi. Teruslah meminta kekuatan dan percaya, percaya pada pemberian-Nya. Apa yang terjadi pada kita semua ini sudah direncanakan-Nya, agar kita terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Agar kehidupan kita lebih baik lagi dari sekarang.

“Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan”. 

Sumber : Agus Gunawan (Chief HCM - PT AGIT - Via Email Blast 12 Desember 2014)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Belajar dari Semut

Ada pepatah : ada gula, ada semut.

Pernahkah kita melihat semut mati dalam cangkir kita yang berisi teh-manis atau air susu manis? 

Mengapa mereka mati di sana?
Itu karena keserakahan semut. Semut ingin menikmati sebanyak-banyaknya rasa manis itu, sedangkan mereka tidak akan mampu membawanya karena rasa manis itu adanya dalam air yang sesungguhya tidak bisa dibawa dan hanya bisa dinikmati sesaat ditempat itu.

Sama dengan kenikmatan di dunia ini. Kenikmatan dunia tidak akan bisa dibawa dan hanya sesaat bisa dinikmati. Sehingga bagi yang tidak bisa mengendalikan diri atau ada keserakahan padanya, mereka akan terjebak dan mati didalamnya. Kenikmatan sesaat telah menjerat dan melupakan kehidupan sesungguhnya.

Mari belajar dari semut. Cukupkan diri kita dengan apa yang kita miliki. Dan syukurilah kecukupan itu. Dengan berani mengatakan ini sudah cukup & men-syukuri kecukupan tersebut, maka hidup kita akan bahagia lahir dan bathin.

" Keserakahan, bukanlah persoalan keuangan! Itu sebuah persoalan hati "
(Andy Stenley)

Sumber : Agus Gunawan (Chief HCM - PT AGIT - Via Email Blast 5 Desember 2014)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Facing the "Giants"

Saat Anda ditunjuk oleh atasan Anda untuk melakukan suatu tugas di kantor, mungkin ada merasa kurang percaya diri dan takut mengambil tanggung jawab baru.Mungkin tanpa sadar Anda selalu bertanya :

  • Mampu ga ya saya melakukannya?
  • Nanti apa kata orang ya?
  • Apakah mereka akan ketawain saya?

Anda merasa lega ketika karyawan lain yang lebih muda dari Anda menyodorkan diri untuk mengemban tugas tersebut.

Tahukah Anda bahwa ada harga yang harus dibayar ketika Anda menolak menghadapi kekhawatiran?
Saat Anda memilih untuk menjauh diri dari ketakutan (baca deg-deg-an), Anda telah kehilangan kesempatan untuk belajar sesuatu yang baru, Anda kehilangan kesempatan untuk menunjukan kekuatan/kemampuan diri Anda, Anda akan semakin kehilangan rasa percaya diri dan semakin merasa tidak berdaya. Hingga akhirnya ketakutan itu semakin bertambah besar.

Hasir riset university of Michigan :

Kesimpulannya, 95% hal-hal yang kita takuti tidak memiliki dasar yang kuat untuk dipercaya dan ketakutan hanya wujud dari imajinasi yang salah yang sering kali membesar-besarkan ketakutan itu sendiri.

Gantilah imajinasi negatif Anda menjadi positif dan ketakutan Anda akan berubah menjadi kekuatan Anda.

Setiap perubahan menuntut resiko. Tidak semua perubahan akan menghasilkan kemajuan. Namun tanpa perubahan tidak akan dapat bertumbuh.

Sumber : Agus Gunawan (Chief HCM - PT AGIT - Via Email Blast 16 Januari 2015)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Project Management Triangle - Overview

Talk about project management is quite simple. Basically they talk about how to deliver project on schedule, on time and on budget. But how to achieve that is not simple. I have experienced manage a project team of IT Application. I have team members, budget for overhead (money for overtime, dinner, transport, etc...), and the most important things are schedule and target. I think that it was quite easy because all of these things have created for me by the pre-sales team before the project it self. All I have to do is create project planning, execute and monitor what I have planned before.

Today I work in business development team. One of the job description require me to do pre-sales activity. In this case, I have to prepare the project management at different point of view : definition & initiation. I have to conduct series of activities, start from analyze the requirement, how to translate the requirement to solution, create the project plan and proposal, negotiate the budget and time frame for the project. Basically, I have to prepare the TIME, COST and SCOPE in a document for my team and for customer.

In this article I gather and summarize several articles that related with project management. It talks about the constraints, stages, skills and some tips about it. It is very useful for basic and middle level knowledge about project management. This article affects 2 point of views: project management from coordinator's view, and project management from pre-sales's view. 

Finally you should be wise in everything. As a pre-sales, don't be too over optimistic and sell something that overkill. Or, don't ever sacrifice and lie to the implementation team related some feature that have very tight schedule, or even don't have time allocation. The goal is not only to win the project, but also to deliver it to the customer. As a project manager, you have to create the same vision for your team, in order to synergy. Respect is far more important, if you lose your team's respect, the implementation won't go smooth. Last words is to remind about the quote above, remember that some things just take time. Okay, so now if you wanna learn more, please read the full article below. Happy reading. :)


The project management triangle is used by managers to analyze or understand the difficulties that may arise due to implementing and executing a project. All projects irrespective of their size will have many constraints.

Although there are many such project constraints, these should not be barriers for successful project execution and for the effective decision making.

There are three main interdependent constraints for every project; time, cost and scope. This is also known as Project Management Triangle.

The Three Constraints:

The three constraints in a project management triangle are time, cost and scope.

1) Time
A project's activities can either take shorter or longer amount of time to complete. Completion of tasks depends on a number of factors such as the number of people working on the project, experience, skills, etc.

Time is a crucial factor which is uncontrollable. On the other hand, failure to meet the deadlines in a project can create adverse effects. Most often, the main reason for organizations to fail in terms of time is due to lack of resources.

2) Cost
It's imperative for both the project manager and the organization to have an estimated cost when undertaking a project. Budgets will ensure that project is developed or implemented below a certain cost.

Sometimes, project managers have to allocate additional resources in order to meet the deadlines with a penalty of additional project costs.

3) Scope
Scope looks at the outcome of the project undertaken. This consists of a list of deliverables, which need to be addressed by the project team.

A successful project manager will know to manage both the scope of the project and any change in scope which impacts time and cost.

Quality is not a part of the project management triangle, but it is the ultimate objective of every delivery. Hence, the project management triangle represents implies quality.

Many project managers are under the notion that 'high quality comes with high cost', which to some extent is true. By using low quality resources to accomplish project deadlines does not ensure success of the overall project.

Like with the scope, quality will also be an important deliverable for the project.

Six stages of Project Management:
A project undergoes six stages during its life cycles and they are noted below:

  1. Project Definition: This refers to defining the objectives and the factors to be considered to make the project successful.
  2. Project Initiation: This refers to the resources as well as the planning before the project starts.
  3. Project Planning: Outlines the plan as to how the project should be executed. This is where project management triangle is essential. It looks at the time, cost and scope of the project.
  4. Project Execution: Undertaking work to deliver the outcome of the project.
  5. Project Monitoring & Control: Taking necessary measures, so that the operation of the project runs smoothly.
  6. Project Closure: Acceptance of the deliverables and discontinuing resources that were required to run the project.

Overcoming Challenges to Project Constraints:
It is always a requirement to overcome the challenges related to the project triangle during the project execution period. Project managers need to understand that the three constraints outlined in the project management triangle can be adjusted.

The important aspect is to deal with it. The project manager needs to strike a balance between the three constraints so that quality of the project will not be compromised.

To overcome the constraints, the project managers have several methods to keep the project going. Some of these will be based on preventing stakeholders from changing the scope and maintaining limits on both financial and human resources.

A project manager's role is evolved around responsibility. A project manager needs to supervise and control the project from the beginning to the closure.

The following factors will outline a project manager's role:

  • The project manager needs to define the project and split the tasks amongst team members. The project manager also needs to obtain key resources and build teamwork. 
  • The project manager needs to set the objectives required for the project and work towards meeting these objectives.
  • The most important activity of a project manager is to keep stakeholders informed on the progress of the project. 
  • The project manager needs to asses and carefully monitor risks of the project.

Skills Required for a Project Manager:
In order to overcome the challenges related to project triangle and meet the project objectives, the project manager needs to have a range of skills, which includes:

  • Leadership
  • Managing people
  • Negotiation
  • Time management
  • Effective communication
  • Planning
  • Controlling

Project management is very often represented on a triangle. A successful project manager needs to keep a balance between the triple constraints so that the quality of the project or outcome is not compromised.

There are many tools and techniques that are available in order to face the challenges related to the three constraints. A good project manager will use appropriate tools in order to execute the project successfully. 



The Project Management Triangle (called also Triple Constraint or the Iron Triangle) is a model of the constraints of project management. It is a graphic aid where the three attributes show on the corners of the triangle to show opposition. It is useful to help with intentionally choosing project biases, or analyzing the goals of a project. It is used to illustrate that project management success is measured by the project team's ability to manage the project, so that the expected results are produced while managing time and cost.

For analytical purposes, the time required to produce a deliverable is estimated using several techniques. One method is to identify tasks needed to produce the deliverables documented in a work breakdown structure or WBS. The work effort for each task is estimated and those estimates are rolled up into the final deliverable estimate.

The tasks are also prioritized, dependencies between tasks are identified, and this information is documented in a project schedule. The dependencies between the tasks can affect the length of the overall project (dependency constrained), as can the availability of resources (resource constrained). Time is different from all other resources and cost categories.

To develop an approximation of a project cost depends on several variables including: resources, work packages such as labor rates and mitigating or controlling influencing factors that create cost variances. Tools used in cost are, risk management, cost contingency, cost escalation, and indirect costs . But beyond this basic accounting approach to fixed and variable costs, the economic cost that must be considered includes worker skill and productivity which is calculated using various project cost estimate tools. This is important when companies hire temporary or contract employees or outsource work.

Cost Process Areas :
  • Cost Estimating is an approximation of the cost of all resources needed to complete activities. 
  • Cost budgeting aggregating the estimated costs of resources, work packages and activities to establish a cost baseline. 
  • Cost Control – factors that create cost fluctuation and variance can be influenced and controlled using various cost management tools.

Requirements specified to achieve the end result. The overall definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish, and a specific description of what the end result should be or accomplish. A major component of scope is the quality of the final product. The amount of time put into individual tasks determines the overall quality of the project. Some tasks may require a given amount of time to complete adequately, but given more time could be completed exceptionally. Over the course of a large project, quality can have a significant impact on time and cost (or vice versa).



If time, money, or what your project accomplished were unlimited, you wouldn't need to do project management. Unfortunately, most projects have a specific time limit, budget, and scope.

It is this combination of elements (time, money, and scope) that we refer to as the project triangle. (These competing elements are sometimes referred to as the triple constraints of a project.) Understanding the project triangle will allow you to make better choices when you need to make tradeoffs.

How do I optimize to meet my schedule?
After analyzing your schedule, you might find it does not meet the project deadline. There are several ways you can adjust the length of your schedule. The methods you choose depend on the limitations imposed on the project as a whole, such as budget, resource availability, scope, and the flexibility of the tasks.

The most efficient way to shorten the schedule is to change the tasks that lie on the critical path. The critical path is a series of dependent tasks whose last task finishes at the project end date. If any of the tasks in this series move, the project end date also moves. Modifying tasks that are not on the critical path may not affect the schedule. You can:

  • Shorten the durations of tasks (usually a reflection of reduced scope or increased/more efficient resources). 
  • Overlap tasks so that they can be worked on simultaneously.
  • Remove tasks to meet the finish date (usually a reflection of reduced scope).
  • Assign additional resources.
  • Decrease the amount of work assigned (usually a reflection of reduced scope or more efficient resources).
As you adjust the schedule, your costs might increase, resources might become overallocated, and your scope might change. For example, if you shorten durations of tasks on the critical path, the project will probably finish sooner, but the scope of those tasks and possibly the entire project might be reduced. Or if you assign additional resources to critical path tasks so that they can be finished more quickly, you might find that these resources are now overallocated, and you need to pay overtime, increasing your costs.

How do I optimize to meet my budget?
You might find that the Project plan you have built exceeds your budget. Project costs are affected primarily by resources assigned to the tasks in the project: the rate-based cost and the fixed costs of people, equipment, and materials. Therefore, to reduce costs, you can cut project scope so that there are fewer tasks or shorter durations for tasks that need resources.

If you don't want to cut scope, you can adjust resources and make sure that your settings for rates, fees, and overtime are correct. You can verify that the resources assigned are the best for the job. You might be able to replace a more expensive resource with a less expensive one, and use the more expensive resource where it is most cost-effective.

As you adjust the plan to meet your budget, your finish date might be extended, or the scope might decrease. For example, if you remove overtime from tasks that had overallocated resources assigned, you might find the schedule lengthened to the point where the finish date is a month later. Or if you've cut scope to meet the budget, you might find that the finish date is actually scheduled to occur sooner.

How do I optimize to meet my scope requirements?
There are two aspects of scope to consider—product scope and project scope:

  • Product scope describes the final deliverables of the project, usually in great detail. Examples of product scope include product specifications or blueprints. As a project manager, you may not have much control over product scope. 
  • Project scope includes all of the project work done to produce the deliverables described by the product scope. As a project manager, you normally have at least some control over project scope. For example, you may be able to skip code reviews for some deliverables.
Typically, you adjust scope when you find a problem with meeting the finish date or the budget. You can cut scope to bring in the finish date or cut costs. You can also increase scope if you find you have additional time or an increased budget available.

Changing scope usually involves changing the number or the duration of tasks. Scope is closely related to quality. When you increase scope, you have the opportunity to build in higher quality. When you decrease scope, you might need to lower standards of acceptable quality.

If you reduce scope, your costs might decrease and your finish date might occur sooner. If you add scope, your costs might increase and your finish date might be later. For example, if you cut a series of tasks that were considered optional, you may not need as many resources, resulting in cost savings. Or if you're increasing scope by adding more time to a series of tasks, you might find that changing scope affects the scheduling of critical path tasks, and the finish date is now two weeks later.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bersama Allah Lakukan Perkara Besar

Tidak terasa kita sudah sampai di bulan Februari 2015. Rasanya waktu cepat sekali berlalu padahal rasanya baru kemarin merayakan tahun baru. Masih ada 11 bulan lagi untuk mewujudkan resolusi 2015 kita yang tentunya belum semua direalisasikan di Januari. Baiknya kita melakukan evaluasi dan review terhadap apa yang masih menjadi kendala dalam merealisasikan resolusi kita. Masih ada 11 juga bulan lagi untuk melakukan perkara - perkara besar lainnya dalam kehidupan kita, baik itu ada dalam resolusi yang dibuat diawal, perkara yang muncul dalam sebulan ini ataupun perkara yang mungkin muncul dan hadir dalam kehidupan kita. 

Setiap perkara yang ada dalam kehidupan kita adalah perkara yang memang Tuhan ijinkan hadir untuk membuat kita semakin percaya kepadaNya. Adapun dibawah ini adalah artikel dari pelita hidup edisi Oktober 2014 yang baru sempat saya baca hari ini. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana bersama Allah kita dapat melakukan perkara yang besar. Selamat membaca.

Bersama Allah Lakukan Perkara Besar

Baca: Hakim-hakim 7:1-7

Pernahkah Anda merasa bahwa persoalan dan masalah mendera Anda sehingga seolah-olah tidak ada jalan keluarnya? Dalam keadaan seperti itu, orang-orang Kristen seringkali tidak mau atau tidak berani mengakui sebuah kebenaran penting yang perlu mereka mengerti, yaitu bahwa Tuhan mungkin merupakan pribadi yang berada di belakang semua keadaan buruk tersebut.

Anda mungkin berpikir, tidak mungkin itu yang terjadi. Tuhan tentunya melindungi saya dan tidak membawa saya ke dalam keadaan berat semacam itu. Pasti semua itu berasal dari Iblis dan dunia yang jahat. Pernahkah Anda berpikir bahwa mungkin Tuhan sedang berusaha untuk memberitahu Anda tentang sesuatu, dan hal pertama yang Ia butuhkan dari Anda adalah perhatian Anda.

Kita dapat belajar dan melihat dari Alkitab bahwa berulang kali Tuhan menggunakan kesulitan dan masalah untuk membangun iman dari umat yang dikasihiNya. Akan terasa sangat mudah bagi kita untuk menaruh percaya kita kepadaNya ketika segala sesuatu berjalan sesuai dengan kemauan kita. Namun, seringkali Tuhan menghilangkan semua zona aman kita dan rasa aman yang semu dari hidup kita untuk mengingatkan kepada kita bahwa Dialah sumber kekuatan kita yang sebenarnya.

Mari kita perhatikan nats Alkitab di atas dimana Gideon telah siap memimpin sebuah pasukan yang kuat berjumlah 32.000 orang untuk berperang menghadapi musuh mereka. Tetapi, Tuhan turun tangan sebanyak 3 kali sehingga pasukan Israel tersebut berkurang dan sisanya tidak lebih dari satu persen dari jumlah mereka semula. Mungkin kita akan berkata,” Yang benar saja, Tuhan, mana mungkin mengalahkan musuh dengan hanya 300 orang!” Anda mungkin benar; 300 orang saja tidak akan dapat mengalahkan musuh. Tetapi Allah sanggup – inilah pelajaran penting yang dapat kita ambil dari kisah Gideon ini.

Ketika Anda merasa masalah dan kesulitan besar yang sepertinya tidak ada jalan keluar sedang menghadang, jangan pernah berpikir bahwa Allah sedang meninggalkan Anda. Teman-teman, harta benda dan uang serta kesuksesan karir Anda mungkin hilang, tetapi toh semuanya itu tidak membawa Anda kepada kemenangan. Tetaplah berdiri dan pandang pada Yesus. Ketika segala sesuatu yang Anda miliki seolah-olah dilucuti satu persatu sehingga Anda sepertinya tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi, pada saat itulah Anda akan terkagum-kagum dengan perkara besar dan luar biasa yang dapat dilakukan oleh Allah Bapa yang akan dikaruniakanNya kepada Anda.

“Dengan Allah akan kita lakukan perbuatan-perbuatan gagah perkasa, sebab Ia sendiri akan menginjak-injak lawan kita.” Mazmur 108:14

Sumber : Pelita Hidup

Cerita tentang Gideon diatas adalah salah satu cerita bagaimana Tuhan memampukan kita yang percaya padaNya melakukan perkara besar dan menyelesaikannya sesuai dengan rencanaNya yang indah. 

Kembali ke realita bahwa kita sudah berada di bulan ke 2 dari 12, saya pun memiliki perkara yang besar. Tapi saya yakin saya akan dapat melaluinya dengan Tuhan Yesus yang selalu ada dan menguatkan saya. Tidak ada satupun perkara atau masalah yang tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh Tuhan Yesus. Kita harus percaya bahwa Tuhan Yesus dapat melakukan segala sesuatu dengan ajaib, dengan cara dan waktu yang mungkin tidak dapat manusia mengerti atau pahami. Mari kita menjalani Februari ini dengan pengharapan dan sukacita. Amin. :)